Greenbank Masjid in partnership with Quran Ideas Learning is honoured to invite your child to take part in The story of prophet Isa “pbuh” in the Quran workshop on Saturday 17th of December 2022 (1pm to 4pm)
✨ What will the children learn at the workshop of prophet Isa pbuh? ✨
✒️ The family of prophet Isa (pbuh).
✒️ The nativity details as mentioned in the Quran.
✒️Miracles given by Allah’s permission to His messengers and the wisdom behind this.
✒️ Many faith ideas including; the names and attributes of Allah, the belief in Allah’s prophets and books, the notion of original sin and many others..
? How will children learn these facts? ✂️?
? By interactive learning where ideas and verses will be explained in a simple and smooth way. The children will then complete some interesting activities to tease their brains and ensures their interaction and their understanding.?✂️??
? The children will receive a personalised box so they feel special from the beginning. This box includes all the materials, printouts, stickers and the instructions to complete the activities.???
? Age group : 7-10 years old
?Special Price for GBM: £16 /child (use code gbm20 in the checkout)
For Booking please use the following link :