Eid Fitr 2024


Greenbank Masjid is pleased to announce Eid ul Fitr will be on Wednesday 10 April 2024.

There will be 2 Eid jamaats tomorrow:

⏰“Early Eid” 7.15am

  • Urdu talk (starts at 6.45am) with Mufti Wadee Sahib
  • ⁠Brothers and Sisters

?‍?‍?Family Eid” 9.15am

  • English talk (starts at 8.45am) with Moulana Hamzah
  • ⁠Brothers and Sisters.
  • ⁠Bring the whole family and create a family Eid for yourself and others who may not have a Muslim family to celebrate Eid with.

Note: Fajr jamaat will be at 5.45am tomorrow insha’allah.

? : Castle Green Buildings, Greenbank Road, Bristol, BS5 6HE

Donate towards events

At Greenbank Masjid, we strive to create a vibrant and inclusive environment for our beloved community. One of our core missions is to arrange a diverse range of events that cater to everyone, from children to elders, and from spiritual gatherings to educational workshops.

These events not only bring us together as a community but also provide opportunities for growth, learning, and provide a safe space to practice our faith. However, organising such diverse events requires resources and support from our generous community members.

If you have been inspired by our past events or wish to share the reward for future events, please consider donating by completing the form below:

Please enter amount to donate
Please note the actual amount received will be less due to applicable fees and charges

Ramadhan 2024

Greenbank Masjid is pleased to announce that the 1st of Ramadhan 1445 (2024) will commence on Tuesday 12 March 2024‎.

The first Taraweeh prayers will begin on Monday evening 11 March 2024, إن شاء الله‎. May Allah enable us and the whole Ummah to benefit fully from this blessed month, Aameen!

The Ramadhan timetable can be downloaded from here

⏰ Esha jamaat will be at 8:00 pm, taraweeh will follow shortly afterwards.
? There will be provision for both brothers’ and sisters’ taraweeh.
⌚ Arrive early to benefit from the pre-Taraweeh daily reminder by Sheikh Hamzah.
? Please be respectful of our neighbours by entering and leaving the masjid quietly.
? Please park sensibly, car-share or take public transport where possible.

Greenbank Masjid is participating in Plastic Free Ramadhan again this year, please support us by using refillable bottles instead of plastic bottles when attending Taraweeh. Water fountains have been installed on both the brothers’ and sisters’ sides.

Details about Ramadān 1445 Moonsighting:

Local Sighting Report: Negative
Foreign Sighting Report: Negative

Therefore, the Islamic month of Sha’bān will complete 30 days. Ramadhān will begin after Maghrib on Monday 11th March. The first day of Ramadhān will be Tuesday 12th March 2024


GBM Bake4Charity

Calling all baking enthusiasts!

We are pleased to announce Bake4Charity One Ummah is coming to Bristol. One Ummah is an 100% donation based charity providing food to our brothers and sisters all around the world.

The Bake4Charity is a scheme during Ramadan where bakers donate cakes and online auctions are held daily throughout the month and then delivered accordingly.

If you are interested in volunteering through admin, baking or driving / delivering, please message us on WhatsApp on 07784 347561.

May Allah SWT accept all our efforts to help feed our brothers and sisters.

Madrassah – December holidays

December half term holidays 

Madrassah will be closed from Wednesday 20 December 2023 to Tuesday 2 January 2024

Classes will resume as normal from Wednesday 3 January 2024

Outstanding Fees 

All parents are reminded to settle outstanding fees before the holidays. Fees should be paid at the beginning of the month and can be paid by debit card or direct debit through the parent portal, which can be accessed from www.greenbankbristol.org/education 

Those parents that have any queries with their outstanding fees should contact Sheikh Ilyas on 07709813909 and arrange to make payment as soon as possible. 

Madrassah closed 06 Nov – 10 Nov 2023

Dear Parents / Guardians 

Madrassah closed  

Madrassah will be closed from Monday 6 November to Friday 10 November 2023 due to unforeseen staffing shortage.   

Classes will resume as normal from Monday 13 November 2023.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

Madrassah security 

All parents are reminded to ensure their children are dropped off and picked up on time. The madrassah doors will be kept locked whilst classes are taking place. 

Parents are also reminded to ensure they park legally and considerately.